Damn, I need a Job Again! By Dakotta JK Alex
Released on = May 15, 2007, 11:47 pm
Press Release Author = Sydney Jones
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = Damn, I Need a Job. Again! Leads you through the recruiting process in extensive detail and shows you how to build a portfolio of skills and resources that helps you build a lifelong career that keeps you energized and excited about life.
Press Release Body = Enjoy going to work - Find an employer that values you - Get a job for life We spend an enormous amount of time at work. In fact, we often spend more time at work, than we do with our family and friends. As a result, it is important that we building a satisfying career. We can do this by securing a position that stimulates us, by making an ongoing commitment to developing a career path and by embracing the concept of lifelong learning.
Damn, I Need a Job. Again! Leads you through the recruiting process in extensive detail and shows you how to build a portfolio of skills and resources that helps you build a lifelong career that keeps you energized and excited about life.
If you\'ve ever wanted to find your strengths, or been interested in changing your career, then you will have more eminence after reading Damn, I Need a Job. Again! Written by a well received and super networked industry expert, Dakotta nails the issues job seekers and career changers face today.
Accolades: "Damn, I need a Job. Again! Is a humorous approach to finding a job in the modern age. It covers all the must do activities for present day job seekers - \" Jeremy Langhans - Yahoo! Inc.
\"Damn I need a job again! is full of straight forward, logical advice for any and all looking to change jobs. It is written with humor, a vital resource for such a difficult milestone that changing careers can be - \" Katheryn Hill - University of Washington
\"Damn, I Need To Get a Job Again is a realistic guide for job seekers. Since searching for a job is in itself a full-time job, people need to start focusing more on their job search and the details that are involved." Jennifer Abramski - The Art Institute of Seattle \"Practical and humorous, this step by step guide shares tips to help you go after the job of your dreams.\" Lisa Ingle - Russell Investment Group
Publishing Information: To place orders for the book, contact: Fable Press, Inc. PO Box 23311 Seattle, WA 98102 e-mail: Sydney.Jones@dakotta.com URL: http://www.dakotta.com/books.htm
Publisher: Fable Press Edition: Paperback Paperback: 266 pages ISBN: 0974789704
CONTACT: For more information or to setup an interview with Dakotta, contact: Dakotta J.K. Alex Sydney Jones New York PHONE. (646) 808.3019 EMAIL: Sydney.Jones@dakotta.com WEB: http://www.dakotta.com
Web Site = http:///www.dakotta.com/books.htm
Contact Details = 56 New york, New York 646-808-3019 646-808-3019 sydney.jones@dakotta.com
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